J.D., cum laude, University of Houston Law Center, 1980
Associate Editor, Houston Law Review
National Order of Barristers
B.A., Government, Pomona College, 1975
Doug Alexander is unique in his profession. Since 2007, Thomson Reuters’ Texas Super Lawyers has listed him as one of the “Top 100” lawyers in Texas—for ten of those years in the “Top 10.” Yet, Doug still writes his own briefs and works, hands-on, with peers and clients. His brand of in-the-trenches analysis and collaboration is rare for an attorney of his stature. Collaboration is the key to Doug’s success. He excels at leading teams of attorneys, both within and outside the firm, in some of the most complex and high stakes appeals in Texas. Doug’s proven skill is identifying the winning argument, regardless of whether he, or another attorney on the team, comes up with it. This embodies Doug’s core belief that a selfless team approach is the best path to a win for the client. Doug began his legal career as Law Clerk to the Honorable John R. Brown, former Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. From there, he built a career as one of the premier appellate advocates specializing in practice before the Supreme Court of Texas. He has represented clients in over 200 proceedings before that court.
State Bar of Texas
State Bar of California
Board Certified in Civil Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1990
Texas Super Lawyers, Top 3, published by Thomson Reuters – 2021
Texas Super Lawyers, Top 10, published by Thomson Reuters, 2014-2022
Texas Super Lawyers, published by Thomson Reuters, 2003-2024
Gregory S. Coleman Outstanding Appellate Lawyer Award, Texas Bar Foundation
Austin Appellate Lawyer of the Year, Best Lawyers in America, 2013, 2017, 2025
One of five Top-Notch Lawyers in Texas for Appellate Law, Texas Lawyer Go-To Guide
Named to Best Lawyers in America in Appellate Law, 2008-2025
Ranked in Chambers Guide to America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, 2008-2024
Inducted as a Fellow into the by-invitation-only American Academy of Appellate Lawyers
Petition Practice Before the Supreme Court of Texas
Adjunct Professor of Appellate Advocacy at the University of Texas School of Law
Fellow, American Academy of Appellate Lawyers (invitation only)
President, Texas Supreme Court Historical Society
Chair, Appellate Section of the State Bar of Texas
Member, Civil Appellate Practice Commission, Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Amigos de las Americas